Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Custom Postcard {kartu pos dibuat menurut pesanan}

Kartu pos ekslusif, spesial, berbeda, dan hanya kamu yang punya? dibuat menurut pesanan. Bisa digunakan untuk hadiah, suvenir, dan dikirim untuk orang-orang yang spesial juga.
Ini berapa contoh kartu pos yang telah dibuat:

Contoh 1 {Depan}

Contoh Belakang

Contoh 2 {Depan}
minimal pembelian 54 pcs = Rp. 162.000 (free biaya desain)
atau bisa membeli 9 pcs + Biaya desain (Rp. 50.000) = Rp. 77.000
---belum termasuk ongkos kirim---
 Art carton 310 g

Minggu, 30 September 2012

West Java

Happy collecting Postcard!!! These are several scenery I have just upload about West Java.

Mount Gede 2

Mount Gede Pangrango
One of beautiful mountain in Indonesia, the air is so clean and fresh. Camp place for the climber before reach the top of Mount Gede in West Java, Indonesia.

Kawah Putih

Situ Patenggang

Art Carton Paper 310g
Size: 10x15cm
Price: Rp. 3500
Laminating Dove

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Illustration Postcard

Illustration Postcard, About Tradition In Indonesia. Collecting of these 33 postcard from Indonesia's tradition. But for now I sell 3 unique of postcard from East Java, Bali, and Jogjakarta.
3 Postcard from East Java, Bali, and Jogjakarta

Pc-08 Bali
size: 10cmx15cm
Paper: Art Carton

Pc-07 East Java
size: 10cmx15cm
Paper: BW

Pc-06 Jogjakarta
size: 10cmx15cm
Paper: BW
Type: Illustration and tradition
Price: Rp. 4.000 /each

Kamis, 06 September 2012


Animal's Postcard, interested with animal? or are you animal lover and want to collect your postcard with picture of animal? you can buy this postcards, choose and collect all the postcard you like. Happy collecting :)
Gathering Elephants
The Cuteness of elephants, you can see in Taman Safari Indonesia.
Size: 10cmx15cm
Paper: Art Carton 310grm
Laminating Dove
Price: Rp. 3500/pcs

Rabu, 05 September 2012

Monas Series Postcard



Ondel-ondel is doll from bamboo to celebrate any celebration in Jakarta, and know become mascot of Jakarta.

Monas (Monumen Nasional) is landmark of Jakarta. Place for recreation with family, we can see all skyscraper and building in Jakarta from the top of Monas. Cone in the top made from gold.